Dec 20, 2017
Aveiro University, Portugal
The kick off meeting of the FunFiCO RISE project took place on December 20th at Aveiro University. This is a Marie Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange partnership between Aveiro University (coordinator), Sheffield University (UK), UFPa (Brazil), UNAM (Mexico) and Valencia University (Spain).
Jan 18, 2018
Brussels, Belgium, 18-19 Jan 2018
RISE Coordinators Day
A team from Aveiro University including Tatiana Costa (Aveiro Research Support Office) and Carlos Herdeiro (FunFiCO RISE project coordinator) was present in the RISE coordinator's day at the head of REA (Research Executive Agency) in Brussels, in 18-19 January 2018 to discussion the execution and best practices of RISE projects. The meeting included a brainstorming session with the RISE coordinators of the Math/Physics panel and the REA staff, including the FunFiCO Project Officer Amanda Jane Ozin-Hofsaess and the Head of Unit Fredrik Olsson Hector.
Apr 15, 2018
UNAM (Cuernavaca Campus), Mexico City, Mexico
FunFiCO 1-day Meeting at UNAM
9:30-9:40 Welcome Juan Carlos Degollado and Carlos Herdeiro
9:40-10:10 Carlos Herdeiro
10:10-10:40 Eloy Ayón
10:40-11:10 Pedro Cunha
11:10-11:30 Coffe break
11:30-12:00 Jorge Delgado
12:00-12:30 Gustavo GarcÃa
13:00-13:00 Joao Oliveira
Oct 14, 2018
Porto University, Portugal
MSCA Infoday
The FunFiCO coordinator Carlos Herdeiro was an invited speaker in the Infoday on the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Actions, that took place at the University of Porto, Portugal, talking about his role as coordinator of IRSES and RISE actions.
Aug 04, 2019
Belém, Brazil, 5-9 August 2019
Amazonian Workshop
Alexandre Pombo, João Oliveira and Jorge Delgado from Aveiro and Toni Font from Valencia visited Belém, Brazil as members of the FunFiCO Marie Curie RISE project. Their visit coincided with the VII Amazonian Workshop on Gravity and analogue models, where they presented their work, and the Amazonian High Studies School in Theoretical Physics where they attended courses on Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Lensing.
Nov 18, 2019
Belém, Brazil, 18-22 November 2019
V Amazonian Simposium on Physics
Carlos Herdeiro and Eugen Radu from Aveiro, Gonzalo Olmo from Valencia, Nuno Santos from Lisbon and Visakan Balakumar from Sheffield visited Belém, Brazil as members of the FunFiCO Marie Curie RISE project. Their visit coincided with the V Amazonian Symposium on Physics, where they presented their work.